児童養護施設 広安愛児園、児童心理治療施設 こどもL.E.C.センター、児童養護施設 聖母愛児園、児童家庭支援センター みなと

The Hiroyasu aiji Children’s Home

The Family of God

Maud A. Powlas, the founder of this organization, aimed to create an orphanage for a small number of children. These beliefs came from her Christian upbringing. The design of the orphanage reflects these beliefs. There is a large garden in the center of the orphanage. Located around this garden are the children’s houses, office, and dining hall. This design is intended to create a family in each of the houses and all of the houses together in a circle are intended to represent the family of God.  We have a message on the entrance gate, which says, “The family of God” in Greek. This is quoted from the New Testament. “You all are not foreign or temporary residents, but belong to the holy people, and the family of God.”


About Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home

The children who live in Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home are generally from 2 years to 18 years old. These children cannot live with their parents because of divorces, long-period hospitalizations, and deceased or negligent parents. The aim of the Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home is to raise children to be independent, strong-minded, and kind. The mottoes of Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home are “Living Together” and “Independent Persons.”

About People Work for The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home

According to 8 corporation directors and 2 supervisors of the board of trustees, people those who are well educated in education or nursing fields work for children. They are really happy to serve children. The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home has a principal, two secretaries, four children instructors, thirteen nurses, a dietitian, and two part-time doctors. So twenty three people work for the Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home.

Children Guidance

From time to time, it is not easy to find solutions of raising children’s problems at home. But if you looked around, you would find many people those who have the same problems, and places to find solutions. Places you can get advice are closer to you than you expect. The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home has child specialists living with from kindergarten kids to high school students. If you have problems about raising children, please feel free to consult with us. The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home also introduces you some organizations dealing with child problems.


Functions and Resources

The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home heads for a place close to the neighborhood. Facilities are opened for the neighborhood. Facilities are as follows:

*A Outside Chapel

*A Gymnasium

*A Dining Building

*A Guesthouse

*A Astronomical Observatory

*A Grand  *A tennis court

* Farms


Favors the Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home to Ask of You

The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home needs volunteer people to teach children to study and to play sports. We also need volunteer people for mowing the grass, and putting the grounds in good condition. Moreover, we look for foster-home families for children those who have few chances to go home because of certain reasons.

The Lives of Children

Children live in one of many homes with nurses and teachers in a group of approximately ten. Each home has various ages and different sexes, because it is intended to be “a real home.” The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home has six homes like the one mentioned above. Nurses and teachers help the children mature instead of their real parent’s and siblings.


Children and Living Expenses

Kumamoto Children Guidance Clinic helps children enter such orphanages. Therefore expenses necessary to support the children are officially paid as measure expenses. The nation of Japan pays fifty percent of these expenses, and Kumamoto prefecture pays the rest. These expenses come from the child’s living expenses and on children support centers. Japan, Kumamoto prefecture, and children’s homes do their best to utilize these funds to achieve a 100% ratio of those children who go on to high school. The Hioyasu Aiji Children’s Home goal is to prepare children who would like to pursue higher education.



1947 June : Maud A. Powlas, American Luther Minister and the principal of Jiai Children’s Home, bought 26000 tsubo(a tsubo equals 3.3 ㎡)of land with an intent to construct the second Jiai Children’s Home. This land used to be a Japanese military maneuvering ground. Christian Children’s Fund. Inc.(CCF) from Richmond, Virginia offered money and helped her start on reclaiming the land and constructing houses for children.

1948 April : The first home for children was finished, and we had a ceremony to celebrate the opening of Jiai Village.

1949 August : Children’s Home “Jiai Village” was approved by the Governor of Kumamoto Prefecture.

1953 December : We were approved as “The welfare Corporation Christian Children Hiroyasu Children’s Home” by the Minister of Welfare.

1972 November : 25th anniversary of foundation, and commemorative publications, “Kannoji Mountain” and “An Introduction Manual for Children Treatment”

1990 November : 45th anniversary of foundation. Rebuilding of children houses, a commemorative publication “The Family of God”

1992 March : A self -support home has been built.

1992 April : The Self-Support Training Enterprise has started.

2001 April : Children L.E.C. Center has opened.



73 Koga Mashiki town Kamimashiki county

Kumamoto Prefecture Zip Code 862-2234 Japan

The Hiroyasu Aiji Children’s Home

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